The third BaTT Forum course on Battery stationary applications was organized in Palmela, Portugal in November 2024, hosted by ATEC.
During the 3-day face-to-face course in Portugal, on the 19th – 21st of November 2024, 39 Teachers and Trainers from different European countries (Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, Iceland, Norway and Portugal) received training in a number of subjects related to battery stationary applications, with highly competent presenters from the Portuguese battery industry and associations.
The training program included lectures from key representatives from partner companies in Portugal, renowned in the battery sector, such as the Battery Cluster Portugal, EDMTECH, b.again and dstsolar, CALB Group Co., Ltd, and EXIDE group, the latter by organizing a study visit to the Exide battery factory. In addition to the different lectures, the course also included visits to ATEC’s training facilities, with a special emphasis in the labs and workshops related with stationary battery applications and safety practices in the maintenance and repair of electric vehicles, and a final workshop focusing on opportunities for future cooperation for teachers and trainers in the battery industry.