
Capacity Building for Battery Teachers in Vocational Education and Training


The Batteries Teachers & Trainers Forum (BaTT Forum) is an initiative launched by the Alliance for Batteries Technology, Training and Skills (ALBATTS). This is an EU Erasmus+ co-financed project. which has now been further developed through CaBatt – Capacity building for battery teachers in vocational training.

The BaTT Forum aims to bring together current and future teachers and trainers to share ideas, thoughts and good practice, work together and deepen their knowledge of the battery sector.



The emerging battery industry is going to need a large workforce. Over 70% of the workers are blue- collar workers. Initial training, re-skilling and up-skilling is need as well as qualified teachers and trainers. With this project we want to capacitate VET teachers around Europe with state-of-art battery skills and networks enhancing VET providers´ability to provide quality training for the battery sector. This project builds on needs found in the Erasmus+ project ALBATTS.

By creating high quality state-of art courses that are eligible for Erasmus+ Key Action 1(learning mobility of individuals) funding we can ensure an increased number of teachers with battery skills and networks around Europe. They can provide quality state-of art training for students that will answer to the workforce needs of the emerging battery sector, thus facilitating the green transition in Europe. The project is expected to increase interest for the battery industry among VET teachers




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